Colt Automatic Pistol and Revolver Information - 25 years of Service to Colt Firearms Collectors


Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket Hammerless .25 ACP - Special Grip Types

Model N Deluxe Checkered Walnut Grips with Recessed Medallions

Model N Deluxe Checkered Walnut Grips - These grips are easily recognized by the uncheckered scalloped border around the edge of the grip.  They were a factory special order feature available from 1913 to 1923.  In 1916, the deluxe checkered walnut grips listed for an additional $2.75 -- $.25 more than plain mother-of-pearl and $.50 more than plain ivory!

Model N .25 200415 with factory Deluxe Checkered Walnut Grips.  Factory letter indicates Colt Model N 200415 was shipped April 22, 1919 to W.S. Brown, Pittsburgh, PA, 10 guns in shipment.  The grips are not mentioned in the letter.

Model N .25 with factory Smooth Walnut Grips.

Model N .25 with Type I factory non-medallion ivory grips.  Factory letter confirms blue finish and ivory grips.  Shipped April 8, 1909 in a three gun shipment to Frederick Peters with locations in Hamburg, Germany, New York, NY and Turkey.


Model N Factory Type II Recessed Medallion Ivory Grips

Model N Type II Factory Recessed Medallion Ivory Grips.  In 1916, these grips were available for an additional $2.25.

Model N Factory Type III Recessed Medallion Ivory Grips

Model N Type III Factory Recessed Medallion Ivory Grips.

Model N Type IV Factory Flush Medallion Ivory Grips - Pistol was a single gun shipment, shipped blue with factory ivory grips, sold to Joanna Mercantile Company and shipped to Sullivan Hardware Company, Anderson, South Carolina on November 24, 1931.  Work was processed on Colt factory order number 23625/1.

Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket serial number 362191 - with original factory flush medallion ivory grips.

Colt Model N serial number 362191 - right side.

Model N 362191 on original VL&A pocket holster.

VL&A pocket holster for the Colt .25

Photo of pistol in holster.

Markings on rear of VL&A holster.

Model N with Factory Carved Steerhead Ivory grips.

Colt Model N serial number 385727 with Factory Carved Steer head Ivory Grips.  Carved ivory is the rarest grip type for both the Model N and M.  In 1930, the additional cost for carved ivory grips for the Model N was $15.00 option, making it the most expensive grip option.  This was a very deluxe option considering that the gun alone sold for $16.50, bringing the total price of this pistol to $31.50 before tax.  Of the few known carved mother-of-pearl and ivory grip variations for the pocket hammerless  models, this is the only known pair with the carved image on the left grip.  These grips are in absolutely pristine condition with no cracks or chips whatsoever.  All others in either mother pf pearl or ivory have either a steer head or eagle on the right grip.  The right grip on this gun is a standard medallion ivory grip.  This pistol letters blue finish with ivory grips and was a one gun shipment to "Tex Baker" on June 25, 1930.  Tex Baker was a radio personality from the 1930s who performed on WWRL radio in New York City.  The act was called Tex Baker and his Texas Ramblers.

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The six standard types of mother-of pearl grips: (top row left to right) round top no medallion, round top recessed medallions, square top recessed medallions, (bottom row left to right) square top forward facing flush medallions, square top left facing flush medallions (early), square top left facing flush medallions (late).

Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket sn 364025 Factory Nickel Plated with Carved Eagle Mother of Pearl grips - Pistol is cased in Colt factory presentation case and features a relief carved eagle on the right grip.  The left grip is a standard mother of pearl grip with medallion.  Factory carved mother of pearl grips are an extremely scarce variation to locate for this particular model of Colt pistol.  In 1921, these grips were a $9.00 option on a gun that retailed for $16.50, bringing the total cost to $25.50.

Colt Model N with Factory Carved Eagle grip - Factory carved mother of pearl grips are an uncommon variation to locate for this particular model of Colt pistol.

Right Side

Colt Model N with Carved Steerhead pearl in single loop holster.Colt Model N 1908 .25 ACP Pocket Hammerless Pistol sn 397049 - This is one of 15 guns shipped from Colt's fitted with factory carved mother of pearl grips.  Of the 15 pistols, only eight were in the steer head pattern and seven were in the eagle pattern.  The pistol is in original condition and the grips are perfect with no cracks or chips.  Factory carved mother of pearl grips are an uncommon variation to locate for this particular model of Colt pistol.  Another example of these grips fitted with ruby eyes can be seen below. Factory letter confirms these features and indicates that the gun was a single gun shipment sold to Harkins Drug Store, Refugio, TX and shipped to Corpus Christi Hardware Company, Corpus Christi, Texas on November 7, 1934.

Original Numbered Box for 397049

The box is slightly deeper than the boxes for standard production guns to accommodate for the extra thickness of the grips.  The box is the original factory box numbered to the gun.

Model N Carved Steerhead Pearl Grips (with ruby eyes)

Model N Factory Carved Steer head mother-of-pearl grips with ruby eyes.  There were only 8 guns shipped from the factory with these grips.  The grip on the opposite side has a medallion.

Model N serial number 390201 with non-factory aftermarket carved steer head mother-of-pearl grips.  Companies like Stoegers offered a variety of non-factory deluxe grips made of mother-of-pearl, stag and ivory.

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January 2022

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