Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket Hammerless .25 ACP -
Special Finishes,
Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket .25 ACP Serial Number 125565 - Factory Silver Plated and Factory Engraved (Grade 3) Model N. This special order gun was shipped to Shelton-Payne Arms Co., El Paso, TX in March 1916 in a two gun shipment. This gun is sitting on top of its' original factory presentation case. (ex. Robert Howard Collection)
Colt Special Gun Orders Entry: "March 22, 1916 Silver plating was the rarest of the special finishes for the Model N. Of approximately 410,000 guns produced, there were only 64 factory silver plated .25s, only a handful of which were also factory engraved.
Remarks: The notations concerning finish of subject pistol are confusing as it lists being both silver and in the "Green State". The "green or soft" state would normally indicate shipment without finish for engraving outside the factory. As W.H. Gough was a known engraver for Colt at this time, it would appear that the pistol was sent for engraving although the record does not specifically list this feature. There is a further notation indicating that the pistol was reshipped to Murta Appleton & Company on July 2, 1919. It would appear that at this time the final finish on subject pistol was silver.
Colt Model N .25 ACP serial number 228236 Master engraved by William H. Gough - A very unique factory master engraved and silver plated Model N .25 ACP pistol engraved by Colt master engraver, William H. Gough. This pistol features complete engraving coverage and is fitted with Type III (square top, recessed medallion mother of pearl grips. This pistol was shipped on December 16, 1919 to Murta Appleton Co., Philadelphia, PA c/o W.H. Gough. For other Colt Vest Pocket pistols engraved by William H. Gough, See:
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