Colt Conversion Unit .22 LR-.45 ACP - Early Pre-War
Service Model
Conversion Unit in Original Box - SN U229 (ca. 1938)

Early Pre-WWII (ca. 1938) Numbered Conversion Unit
complete with original box, instructions and all
accessories. Two tone magazine with "Service Model"
designation on the floorplate. Box is earliest type that
lacks center compartment for recoil spring.This unit
was one of three shipped to Von Lengerke & Antoine, Chicago,
Illinois on September 2, 1938.

View of rear sight, numbered slide and two-tone conversion
unit magazine.

"U" prefix number on the top of the slide just ahead of the
rear sight.

Detail of the early style Stevens adjustable rear sight.

All component parts of the disassembled conversion unit
showing right side of slide.

Barrel and floating chamber are numbered U229 which is the
number on the top of the slide. Ejector is the early milled

Detail of right side slide markings.

All component parts of the disassembled conversion unit
showing left side of slide.

Detail of left side slide markings.

End of box showing top and bottom label. Also attached is
the original V.L.& A., Chicago tag from retailer Von
Lengerke & Antoine in Chicago.

Empty early style box. Notice the lack of a compartment for
the recoil spring as is found in later boxes.

Top label.

Conversion unit box, assembled conversion unit, magazine,
slide stop, recoil spring & guide, original yellow hang tag
(which contains operating instructions for the Stevens
sight) and factory instruction sheet. Opposite side of
yellow sight hang tag contains a diagram illustrating how to
adjust the sight.